3025 N State Route 89
Prescott, AZ 86301
Office Hours:

Monday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Friday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Saturday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Sunday: 8:00am - 4:00am

Hours above shown for Mountain Time Zone

100 m
500 ft
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Cable One, Inc.


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Point of Rocks RV Campground Review & Ratings Overview


Based on 217 Reviews

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217 RVers Reviewed Point of Rocks RV Campground

  • +211

Tips from campers about Point of Rocks RV Campground

  • Jhenson226 The closest town is Double Springs, 8 miles, which has very limited restaurants and one grocery store. Haleyville, 15 miles, has a Walmart and more restaurants choices. The closest hospital is in Haleyville.
  • wincio12 Coming from Cullman, the better route is to take 278 west out of Cullman and turn north on 33 then left on 2 and left on 47 and then one more left on 3003 (you will see the sign).
  • Gigito8 The town of Double Springs is about 6 mins away from the campground. Not many restaurants but Haleyville is 20 mins and offers a Walmart and many more restaurants. Jasper is 45 mins and is an even bigger town with more stores, antique shops, and restaurants to choose from. Double Springs is a quaint town with cute shops and friendly people. Lake Smith is about 25 mins away and offers boat rentals and lakefront dining. Beautiful country setting. Tons of outdoor hiking very close by. Highly recommend.

Top Question about Point of Rocks RV Campground

These questions & answers are the opinion of a RV LIFE' member and not the views of RV LIFE


Do you know if the park allows non-RV certified (i.e. We built our own interior, no shower, toilet it sink) campers? Nothing in their website, but we've run into it once before....

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Mon Oct 21 2019

1 Answers Answer Question

Asked by PF Churchill 37 Reviews | 2 Photos | 4 Tips


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