Oaktown RV Parks & Campgrounds

Campgrounds near Oaktown, Indiana

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Recent Reviews of Campgrounds near Oaktown, Indiana

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Tips from campers about Oaktown, IN

  • Viv12 This campground is within walking distance to a Casey's convenient store, in case ya want a coffee in the morn :). Be careful using the laundry steps. Texting worked contacting the owners and always got reply back!
  • Limey51 Antonio's Mexican Restaurant a few miles north in Carlisle serves excellent, somewhat different, Mexican food at very reasonable prices - and the draught beer is a bargain!
  • Garland Style George Rogers Clark National Historical Park is 15 minutes south. Get to know the history of this area. It is free and good for an hour's worth of visiting. Great movie on the history, do NOT miss the movie! The Red Skelton museum is worth $5 (seniors). Linda and I spent a good deal of time in there. Really top notch museum. It is built on to or part of the College! Gasthof Amish Village was a real bummer. We drove 48 minutes to go there and it was just a tourist trap. So disappointed.

Questions from Campers in the Oaktown, IN area

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