Douglas County Fairgrounds Review & Ratings Overview
Based on 23 Reviews
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23 RVers Reviewed Douglas County Fairgrounds
- +17
Tips from campers about Douglas County Fairgrounds
- Chris_729 Do NOT go here when there is racing. Visit the History Museum there on the fairgrounds property adjacent to campground. They have a huge movie screen built onto the back of the museum, likely they have outdoor movies in summer. Also a cute little gift shop where you can pick up some little items for the grandkids.5 months ago Douglas County Fairgrounds
- Julie_762 Great location if youre visiting the Wild Safari in WinstonWe also visited the Douglas County Museum - just a walk across the parking lot. Great museum- lots of different themes in history/natural history8 months ago Douglas County Fairgrounds
- Boykie Visible and Verizon ok. Cricket had fairly good coverage3 years ago Douglas County Fairgrounds