Denver RV Parks & Campgrounds

Campgrounds near Denver, Pennsylvania

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Recent Reviews of Campgrounds near Denver, Pennsylvania

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Tips from campers about Denver, PA

  • Bandguy Exceptionally beautiful driving to Lancaster's best. We recommend Historic Rockford, President Buchanan's Wheatland, The Railroad Museum (a pretty far ride), Berks County Heritage Center with a Canal Museum and The Gruber Wagon Works Museum and Tour. Kitchen Kettle offers good shopping and eating. The Franklin House Tavern (close to campground) had good food and drink with excellent friendly service. There is a museum two doors down from the Franklin House where a lot of the paranormal activity and history is said to be documented but we did not know about it until our last night there. Lititz is a terrific little town with a bit of unique shopping (Moravian House and another store on the main road whose name escape me but has some of the most beautiful wood tables I've ever seen), eating (Bulls Head Pub and Wilbur Chocolate to name just two). There are many places to spend an afternoon or two in the area looking at antiques if that is your thing. Known for their Amish and Mennonite communities, you will see many buggies being pulled by horses, Amish farms during your exploring. There are buggy rides to be had and farms you can explore with tasty delights available in the gift areas. We love the area.
  • Drew57 Railroad museum, hands on kids museum
  • Joy216 Bird In Hand, PA is a quaint Amish town close by. It has lots of shops, eateries, etc.

Questions from Campers in the Denver, PA area

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