Canutillo RV Parks & Campgrounds

Campgrounds near Canutillo, Texas

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Recent Reviews of Campgrounds near Canutillo, Texas

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Tips from campers about Canutillo, TX

  • Joulesanne The location is near to our doctors, a trustworthy diesel mechanic shop and RV services. Close to grocery and shopping but not right in the city. Close to Gold Canyon, 2 hrs from Tucson, an hour (or less) to Phoenix. Mesa is minutes away and has Michael’s Crafts, Hobby Lobby. Frys and Walgreens are walkable distances. Goodwill, Ace Hardware and Walmart close by. E’s Mobile RV and ESH Mobile RV are are reliable (different areas of expertise). Diesels and More is reliable for our Dodge Ram diesel dually.
  • MJB Shopping nearby and close to Superstition Mountain.
  • Todd & Duke Dog park was redone, what a disaster. Put in grass but its all dead and smells terrible. No security. Good location bad people running it.

Questions from Campers in the Canutillo, TX area

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