Fri Apr 28 2023Hello, Does this park allow older RV's? We have a 1993 Fleetwood Bounder in great condition....
Asked by rvlife_644c0ec2abee7 0 Reviews | 0 Photos | 0 Tips
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sjones answered - Fri Apr 28 2023
I believe they do, it is an older park but well maintained. Easy on and off with a good restaurant across the interstate Peggy Sue's. The restaurant is like a step back in time....
bsb814 answered - Fri Apr 28 2023
'Campground Information" on their website doesn't mention anything about age restrictions for RV's. Here is there email address from their website to ask them directly....
RFCN2 answered - Sat Apr 29 2023
Yes they do. We have stayed there a number of times and there are coaches of all ages....
Fitzjohnfan answered - Sat Apr 29 2023
We stayed there last year in a 2003 Dolphin. I would say no restrictions on age of coach, but never came across a KOA that did....
Doogiesmom answered - Sat Apr 29 2023
I think they would allow rigs of any age as long as they’re clean and well maintained. Best to call to be sure....