Kinzers RV Parks & Campgrounds

Campgrounds near Kinzers, Pennsylvania

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Tips from campers about Kinzers, PA

  • TomLeach67 Be careful coming up the hill. Last time I came in a truck pulling a trailer and the road was really rough.. they have worked on it though and this time was in a class A pulling a trailer and we did just fine..
  • JLThompson Road (driveway?) from main road in town to the campground is about 1.3 miles - with a grade of 6%-10%, some of it has pavement, a lot of it is a combo of gravel, dirt, ruts, pot holes, and two hairpin turns. Not a 'comfy' ride, but not impossible. No laundry at campground.
  • Reggie33 ATV riding on the Hatfield McCoy trails right from the campground. I don't think there is much else to do in the area. If you have a diesel vehicle make sure you keep it full. Many area stations were out of diesel. Pretty great riding. Follow the instructions on the garbage, the bears are around.

Questions from Campers in the Kinzers, PA area

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