Minneapolis RV Parks & Campgrounds

Campgrounds near Minneapolis, Kansas

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Tips from campers about Minneapolis, KS

  • Marlane Ruth Rock city park has very interesting rock formations. Definitely worth the small fee.
  • Charsed A restaurant in town called The Farm is a must stop. The building is amazing.
  • benidew Walk through and enjoy the beauty of Markley Grove. The trail is a great walking/running trail through the trees along the river and totally shaded. Rock City is south of town 2 miles and is an interesting geologic display of large rocks in a park-like setting. The Farm on Main Street is a great coffee shop/pastry shop/lunch option, with a great brewery upstairs. Glass elevator takes you upstairs or to the basement game room. Grocery store in town and Dollar General.

Questions from Campers in the Minneapolis, KS area

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