Veneta RV Parks & Campgrounds

Campgrounds near Veneta, Oregon

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Tips from campers about Veneta, OR

  • Mark Elliott We enjoyed Charlottesville, Stauton and Harrisonburg while in the area. We visited the LL Bean store, Monticello, Michie Tavern, James Monroe's home, Woodrow Wilson's home, the White Oak Lavender Vineyard and the Frontier Museum in Stauton. Downtown Stauton was very busy while we were there so we didn't get to see it well. We were here a week, but could have stayed longer based on all the interesting things to see in the area
  • BonnieRose852 You can attend polo matches at the King Family Winery - check their website for schedule.
  • eroyceus Monticello is a once in a lifetime experience: be sure to go there. While expensive at $350, we did the private tour (up to 5 people for that price) and saw areas that are not open to the general public. So many different wineries around, I can't enumerate them all. We went to the Trump winery, not for the owner, but because the setting is incredible: a view across miles of valley, forest and grapes. The wine is also wonderful.

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