North Springfield RV Parks & Campgrounds

Campgrounds near North Springfield, Pennsylvania

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Tips from campers about North Springfield, PA

  • OhThePlacesWeWillGoFamily If you really want to enjoy this place get a lake front spot, anything else isn't worth it.
  • Bronxbombers27 Fill your fresh water tank and be prepared to keep elevating your sewage hoses, there was not much room to properly drain the tanks.
  • Mina_675 There are no organized activities in the campground itself, walking and enjoying nature are the prime goals. If you leave the campground, a short distance away is a fabulous candy store that is in a brightly painted house. You won't miss it coming in or going out! There are numerous ice cream/fast food shacks around, one that is a right turn by the candy store, more if you go down the scenic highway towards Erie. There is also a restaurant/pub a few miles down the same road (I believe it is Rt. 5) where you can get some really excellent food, dine-in or take out. If you continue going down this road towards Erie you will reach the city soon, with food and shopping from fast food to fancy dining, unique stores to chains, in the center of town. I highly recommend the chocolate lovers go to Romolos Chocolate store as you head into town. It is a huge place with the most fantastic chocolate I have had, as well as chocolate-covered strawberries and everything else under the sun. There are gifts, souvenirs, and a cafe that specializes in adding chocolate to just about everything! Another highlight is the Tom Ridge Environmental Centre, with multiple beautiful displays of fascinating material and a good gift shop with some unique offerings. Free admission for anyone... it is located by the entrance to Presque Island State Park and it is a beautiful area, with history, a lighthouse, environmental protection leading to multiple species of birds (and I'm sure many other things), and plenty of areas to explore. One thing you can't help but notice- there are Canada Geese literally everywhere! It was great because they had babies in tow and so cute to watch the affectionate family behavior. The geese are not aggressive as they are acclimated to tourists, but I still wouldn't walk up to a male, particularly when their kids are with them! The lighthouse is NOT open every day, nor is their gift shop, so checking before you go would be a good idea.

Questions from Campers in the North Springfield, PA area

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