Mt. Nebo RV Parks & Campgrounds

Campgrounds near Mt. Nebo, West Virginia

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Recent Reviews of Campgrounds near Mt. Nebo, West Virginia

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Tips from campers about Mt. Nebo, WV

  • RobH063 This area is very popular summer area because of the beautiful lake. Being there onky for one night we didn't explore too much. We ate dinner up the road at the Long Point Grille & Bar and the food was good. We got fuel at the little truck stop on US-19 at the U-Save Travel Plaza right across Rt. 129 where the campground is located so that was convenient.
  • Omayzing Beautiful parks and scenic areas close by, lots of shops and restaurants near by as well
  • Jon and Laura Zeliff While we were here we explored the New River Gorge National Park. We drove pretty much every rode in the park - wonderful mountainous curvy roads through incredible scenery. We went down to Sandstone Falls - gorgeous drive and beautiful scenery, stopped and played with our dog in the river at the old gorge bridge, drove out to Hawk's Nest State Park and explored that a bit - everything in this area is Up and Down! No flat hikes around here! Summersville Lake and the Gauley River are beautiful. Had we more time, we would have gone rafting or rented a boat - unfortunately we had some rainy weather that restricted us a bit. Recommend taking the drive down to Greenbrier Resort in Lewisville - so beautiful! We had lunch at Drapers and waundered around the grounds admiring the beauty of this historic place. Our last adventure here was to visit the Lost Worlds Cavern. This is a well done self-guided cave tour - recommend stopping to explore this location. Beautiful location with lots to explore. We stopped in Ansted at Dixies Drive-In - great prices, delicious burgers, wonderful service.

Questions from Campers in the Mt. Nebo, WV area

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