Vilas RV Parks & Campgrounds

Campgrounds near Vilas, North Carolina

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Tips from campers about Vilas, NC

  • TimO Mast General Store in Boone is worth a visit. Downtown Boone is great to walk around.
  • Joulesanne Shopping mostly in Boone. Found a nice Episcopal church in Boone. The college offered events and entertainment at their Schaefer Auditorium.
  • carl2591 Boone downtown shopping and restaurants.. Appalachian state college town with all the trappings of such. Walmart, Cracker Barrel, McD, Wendy, etc Blue Ridge parkway, Grandfather Mountain profile hiking trail, whitewater and kayak spots, mountain biking at Sugar Mtn, nice bike paths around town, head to blowing rock, Tweetsie Railroad, Mystery Mountains, etc. LOTS to do and cooler in summer at 3800 foot-ish.

Questions from Campers in the Vilas, NC area

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