Appomattox RV Parks & Campgrounds

Campgrounds near Appomattox, Virginia

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Tips from campers about Appomattox, VA

  • PHMorrill Take heed to this note from the website: Visitors driving west via Routes 60 and 636 may want to avoid Routes 614 and 640, which have gravel, and proceed west to Route 24. RV Life GPS tried to take us down these roads, they may be more direct, but it is not worth it due the decreased speed and dust.
  • Paul_552 Close shopping, restaurants and sightseeing
  • MEdwardR It is 2 miles from the Appomattox Court House NHP. Lynchburg has some historic sites and is 45 minutes of highway driving away. The D-Day Memorial and Bedford Boys Museum is worth a visit. If your older than 60, the Waltons Museum in Schuyler is an interesting visit. Lovingston Winery in Lovingston was a delight.

Questions from Campers in the Appomattox, VA area

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