Socorro RV Parks & Campgrounds

Campgrounds near Socorro, New Mexico

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Recent Reviews of Campgrounds near Socorro, New Mexico

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Tips from campers about Socorro, NM

  • Ronald Tebbetts A bit of a challenge to get to with a large motorhome. Narrow roads with lots of curves and steep grades but we made it. Rather isolated from a town of any size. The closest (14 miles) with a grocery store is Yellville. There is also a BBQ restaurant and a Sonic. Otherwise, its 24 miles to the nearest town. No Verizon cell service. Did see others on their phone so I believe that AT&T had some service. Could not get a connection with a satellite for DISH. Lots of canoe rental places nearby so I imagine that this place is crazy in the summer. We were here 50 years ago and it hasn't changed all that much.
  • Mmason0316 The restaurant inside the park was nice for a change from our usual lunch sandwiches.
  • J and K Kreth Loops B, C and D have some sites for larger rigs. No cell service for AT&T. There's a Walmart fairly close in the town of Flippin.

Questions from Campers in the Socorro, NM area

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